Tuesday 26 March 2013

The Actress

I stand in the wings 
& wait with baited breath
I wonder if when I step out 
my lines will die a death

Then suddenly I hear my cue 
& on the stage I stride
I move to where the director chose 
& hope my nerves will hide

My heart pounds, my palms are wet
my mouth is awfully dry
at that very moment
I feel like I might cry

Adrenaline pumps, my memory jolts 
the dialogue starts to flow 
it's only then I calm myself 
& start enjoy being in the show

Pretty soon the play is over 
I bend to take a bow
the audience clap, 
the curtain drops 
I think what happens now

Then I suddenly remember 
& I'm wracked with fear & fright
there are many more performances 
that was only the first night! 

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