Wednesday 20 March 2013

My 'what I call' blog

I'm sitting here watching Miranda. Such fun! Now why would I find a sitcom about a socially awkward woman interesting and funny? Hmmmm.....I wish I could turn and look at a camera when I have uncomfortable and embarrassing moments and say hilarious things. But seeing as I don't have a sitcom and a camera crew doing that would look a bit weird and I'd probably be carted off in restraints. Been looking back through my blog. *Sigh* So many things have happened since I last posted. Mostly bad but occasionally good. But mostly bad. I won't bore myself or any poor individual who might be reading this with the gory details but suffice to say 2012 was a bad year. Now when will I blog again? Will it be tonight? Tomorrow? Next month? Next year? Ever again? God knows!

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