Thursday 21 March 2013


He sheds a lot of hair and he eats a lot of food,
he follows me everywhere and I call him "furry dude".
He likes to sit beside me on the sofa watching telly,
he even sleeps beside me and makes my bedroom smelly.

We play and he pretends to bite but instead gives me a kiss,
and when he's out and I'm indoors I find he's such a miss.
His snoring and his snuffling make my spirits soar,
I hate seeing how sad he looks when I walk out the door.

But coming back to hearing barks and being greeted with a lick,
makes any time we spend apart forgotten really quick.
He comforts me when I'm upset and has cuddled me when I've cried,
he's my best friend in all the world and never leaves my side.

He has big brown eyes and lovely ears and big soft fluffy paws,
his tail is bushy, his nose is cute and I even love his claws.
He really is the best pooch that I have ever known,
I feel so blessed and lucky to have given him a home.

He doesn't care what I say or how I look or sound,
in every single way there is he is the perfect hound.
Ems and I share a special bond that no-one can destroy,
he's much more than a pet to me he is my precious boy. 

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