Wednesday 6 April 2011

6 months

Wow!! Alot has happened since I blogged about my Toronto adventure. Some good - I've realised another dream, that of seeing Ellen Burstyn live (on stage in The Children's Hour). And Priscilla has opened on Broadway!! Some bad - my friend Tina is very ill. She has a brain tumour and is currently undergoing radiotherapy and chemotherapy. And slightly less serious but nonetheless worrying, thanks to technology (namely the iPhone), I have incurred huge debts. They are making my trip to New York seem somewhat unachievable at the moment however I am determined to get there and figuring out a way is my new challenge. Challenge seems to be the new word in my vocabulary at the moment as I have committed myself to driving down to visit my Aunty Gill in Sleaford on 23rd April. That is something I've been wanting to do since I passed my driving test in 2004 but have never had the confidence. Well, sod it!! I've said I'm doing it so I am going to do it. And with the help of a map, a concise set of directions and a Sat-Nav I WILL be fine!! Ok, two blogs in one night, is this a new record?! My brain is now on 10% battery and my memory foam mattress is calling so it's time to go.

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