Monday 27 September 2010

Watching the parade pass by

My oldest friend (not in age but in the length of time we've known each other - 20 years) is getting married soon. Another colleage mate has just got engaged and lots of school/college/other people my age are having children. And me? I still live at home and look after my mother. I should be really happy for my friends (and I am happy that they're happy) but I can't help but be jealous. I feel totally left behind and on the shelf. I realise 28 is not classed as 'Old Maid' territory anymore but my situation aint gonna change any time soon and by the time it does change I will be a very old maid on a very high shelf. I love my mother more than anything and would do anything for her and that is why I do what I do but I can help wishing my life was like the others and I was settling down and having ..... well.... a life. But this is the deck I've been dealt and I've got to make the best of a bad hand. I have my love of theatre, my dog and my dreams.

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