Perhaps we should remind ourselves Covid 19 is real
there isn’t a conspiracy or reason to conceal
instead of always questioning everything we’re told
maybe we need to realise it’s more than just a cold
In line with previous outbreaks
the way forward is quite clear
if only we’d do as our ancestors did
we could live again without fear
When black death and other plagues
ran rampant through the globe
nothing was known about a cause
or science or microbe
By the time the Spanish Flu hit
more was understood
so people knew what to do
for the greater good
Staying home away from others
was the order of the day
and the expert advice was heeded
sadly unlike today
The same occurred when Polio
began paralysing old and young
and the worst affected patients
ended up in an iron lung
The guidance then was similar
to many years before
and yet again folk complied
even though it was a chore
Fast forward to 2020
when a new pandemic comes
and the only thing we’re asked to do
is sit at home upon our bums
We have technology and TV
we have food and comfy bases
and if we need to go out
we must wear fabric on our faces
Easy things to stop the spread
and hasten return to normal life
and lessen any further amount of
heartache, pain and strife
But the attitude of today’s masses
can’t compare with our fore-bearers
in the past we did what was needed
to act as each others carers
Nowadays we’re too busy
mistrusting the ones in the know
or moaning because the pubs are shut
or we can’t go to a show
Financial losses and careers ending
are devastating to see
but the cost of lives is more important
than anything monetary
We should do all we can to relieve pressure
on doctors and on nurses
instead of constantly worrying about
what’s in our wallets and our purses
Why would the government allow
the economy to implode
when at any other time
capitalism is their mode
This virus is not a conspiracy
evil plan or nasty hoax
and neither should it be
the butt of tasteless jokes
The families of those who have lost loved ones
must wish it was a lie
but the truth is they will never forget
watching their relatives die
My Mam and I have not had visitors or shopped
since early in the year
and running is the only time
I go outside to get much needed air
While I am riddled with anxiety
and live each day full of fear
all I see on social media
is those who ridicule and sneer
They mix in large groups to shout about
their freedoms and their rights
or crowd in to bars then spill on the streets
having skirmishes and fights
If only life had stayed on hold
and restrictions had not eased
the risks would have been abated
and the germs would have been appeased
If during the war the public had shunned
masks, shelters and black out rules
the ARP wardens would have shouted
“you bloody stupid fools!”
Our predecessors knew
what was required to win a fight
and they all worked together
to get the solution right
If only their descendants
would channel our grandparents pluck
instead of demonstrating an attitude
which says “we just don’t give a f**k!”
So please I am appealing
to those who think Corona is a con
trust the scientists when they say
the danger has not gone
Wear your masks and don’t meet up
with those outside of your home
and take on board what I have
written in this epic poem
Stop asking why and saying things
like restrictions are unfair
Just stay indoors and keep apart
so we can meet up next year!