Wednesday, 16 September 2020

Just had to get my thoughts down

Throughout the coronavirus outbreak I know I have probably been, and I still am being, more cautious than most but my gut has always told me, and is still telling me, I am doing the right thing to keep me and my Mam safe. Now while I have always been more than happy to stay at home and I am happy to continue staying at home for as long as it takes I am starting to miss the things I used to be able to do and I’m wishing we knew when we would all be able to go back to ‘normal’. That being said no matter how much I am missing going places and seeing people I am not willing to compromise mine and my Mam’s health by going out and about despite the government, in their wisdom, changing the rules. As far as I am concerned lockdown should not have ended as soon as it did. Ever since things started to reopen I have become increasingly frustrated at at the actions I have witnessed both in person and on social media. I simply don’t get why as soon as lockdown was relaxed there was a rush to get back to shops, pubs and restaurants and so many people were posting pictures of their nights out and gatherings with no social distancing whatsoever. Did I miss the bit where we were told the pandemic was over? I have chosen not to participate in a lot of the activities that were allowed when restrictions were lessened because I believe not mixing at all is the key to not spreading the virus but despite businesses reopening with guidance and adaptations it is clear that a semi-normal life is still not possible. And the reason for this is two-fold. One because, as I said, I believe people coming together in any situation will inevitably continue the transmission of Covid-19. And two because humans can’t be trusted. Even in the midst of a deadly pandemic people can’t not be selfish. They are far too concerned about not missing out on holidays or meals or drinks. Only a few months ago we were being told how devastated families could not visit dying relatives or attend loved ones funerals but the desperation of that situation appears to have fallen on deaf ears as now you would think nothing had ever happened. The pain that enforced separation brought has quickly been forgotten by the masses. And if you think I’m wrong then how do you explain the queues outside Primark on it’s first day of reopening or the hoards of people who sat in their cars for hours when the McDonalds drive-thrus reopened or the ones who scrambled to be the first in the appointment book when hairdressers opened their doors? I know people were absolutely sick to the back teeth of being in their homes but did they think lockdown had been done for fun? Did folk think that just because the government said things could start reopening it meant the virus had disappeared and that all flocking to the same places, albeit standing apart from one another, was a good idea? Did they think plastic screens and table service meant that bugs could not circulate in indoor eateries? I really am at a loss to explain this behaviour. I am no scientist or scholar but I have always known that reopening the world before the virus was able to be contained and/or a vaccine was available then it would lead to another spread. It really isn’t rocket science! And I know the worldwide economy is in a terrible state and it is truly devastating that so many people have lost their livelihoods and are struggling despite the various chaotic schemes the government implemented to support people but while money and industry are vital then surely peoples lives and health are actually more important? Even those with the most ruthless capitalist ideals can see that actually having people alive to make and spend money is, or should be, the priority? And yes that means the world still wont operate normally for the foreseeable future but even if it meant a year of the world being put on hold and us all living a less than normal life can we not just be patient? The sooner we did that the sooner we would have the virus under control and we could resume our pre-Covid lives. There really is more to life than shopping, beauty treatments, gyms, tattoos, visits to the theatre and cinema, eating out and holidays! Can people not forfeit all of those things for a relatively short period of time? I know it means sacrificing necessities and luxuries but can people not see the bigger picture? Even if it means another period of time without seeing family and friends can we not all just pull together and put up with it for a bit longer so we might actually get on top of things? We are so lucky to be living in a time where we have phone calls, text messages, emails, FaceTime, Skype, Zoom and social media so we can hear and see each other even though we can’t be together. It’s far from ideal and no-one is happy about the situation but it really is simple - the sooner we stay away from each other the sooner we will be together again. 

Trolly Warhol