Tuesday, 18 August 2020

My Covid Ode

I long for the day when the word Covid is not uttered

when I can sit in a cafe with a scone that is buttered

when I can wander aimlessly around Asda or Lidl 

& not think about standing to the side or the middle

I want to finally have those belated celebrations  

that lockdown took away from friends & relations

I cannot wait to make plans with my pals to go out 

& not be riddled with feelings of fear, dread & doubt

To have people visit for a cuppa once more

& not be scared to let them through our front door

I want to cook a meal to share with my Dad 

instead of keeping my distance, it makes me feel bad

I’m so desperate to see theatres fill all of their seats

I’ll forgive the exorbitant cost of their sweets 

I just want all of the things that I love to resume

& not have to see people on Skype or on Zoom

I can’t wait to get back on the Slimming World scales

& go shopping for smaller clothes in the sales

I want to shake my glowsticks & have Clubbercise fun

& I’m desperate to ring the PB bell at Parkrun

But for now I’d settle for a kiss & a hug

& for the world to be rid of this terrifying bug

I wish I felt safe stepping outside of my home 

& that I didn’t have a subject for this latest poem


But it is what it is & we are where we are

2020 has been atrocious so far

So let’s look to the future when life will be norm 

& wait for the rainbow that will follow the storm 🌈

Cartoon Me