Friday, 8 May 2015

Random cute stuff

A collection of things that makes me smile and go awwwwwww! Gawd bless the t'internet for supplying me with lots of photos of ickle cute things. 

Sunny modelling his pants and Santa hat  (Photo credit: @fortheloveofsmiley)

Scooty modelling her skates (Photo credit: @super_scooty) 

Photo upload test (Warning: Graphic Horror Alert)

How you doin'?

'appy blogging

Maybe the iPhone/iPad Blogger app is the way forward. It's very easy to use but the $64,000 question is will the ease of use and convenience encourage me to blog more often? Who the hell knows? And does anyone care? I have things I want to write but my brain can't seem to get with the programme and let my ideas seep out. And on that note, memo to self: do not forget about The Great Pumpkin! 

Thursday, 7 May 2015

Testing the free app

A new way to blog, eh? I'm writing this using my iPhone. Hmmm....not sure if I like it more than tapping away at the old pink laptop (not a euphemism!) To Blogger app or not to Blogger app, that is the 2015 question. Let me sleep on it. Goodnight peeps!