Monday, 19 October 2015

Laid up

Current mood: Grumpy.

I am sitting on my bed with my dog Emmy on the floor next to me and I am listening to a programme  which about Margaret Rutherford on Radio 4. I am confined to barracks having broken my ankle again 2 weeks ago.

I am seeing the physiotherapist for the my first appointment one week from today and I am seriously hoping they will give me some exercises and give me an idea as to when I will be able to get rid of my boot and crutches and start resuming my normal activities. This is the second time in 3 and a half years that I have broken my right ankle, having intermittently sprained it a few times in the intervening years, and it is VERY frustrating!!!!!!

I really feel like learning how to walk on my hands so I can avoid having to use my ankle and foot as I know it will happen again at some point. I may be able to have an operation in the future but I don't even know if that will improve the weakness and instability in my ankle.

The pain in my ankle is niggling away as I type but Codeine, although effective, is evil and does disastrous things to the digestive system. The physical is discomfort is one thing but it's much harder to deal with the psychological effects. I am trying to fight the depression that followed the last time I suffered a fracture and I know it will take a while to get my confidence back but I'll get there. I just have to.

This time feels so different, not least of all because I don't have to worry about being off work now. I am fed up with not being able to drive and I can't do my usual household chores which is aggravating but I am trying to hobble about and do as much as I can. I just hope the physio doesn't tell me I have been doing too much because although I am lazy by nature if I have to spend many more weeks sitting on the sofa or on the bed doing sweet F.A I'll go bonkers!

Friday, 8 May 2015

Random cute stuff

A collection of things that makes me smile and go awwwwwww! Gawd bless the t'internet for supplying me with lots of photos of ickle cute things. 

Sunny modelling his pants and Santa hat  (Photo credit: @fortheloveofsmiley)

Scooty modelling her skates (Photo credit: @super_scooty) 

Photo upload test (Warning: Graphic Horror Alert)

How you doin'?

'appy blogging

Maybe the iPhone/iPad Blogger app is the way forward. It's very easy to use but the $64,000 question is will the ease of use and convenience encourage me to blog more often? Who the hell knows? And does anyone care? I have things I want to write but my brain can't seem to get with the programme and let my ideas seep out. And on that note, memo to self: do not forget about The Great Pumpkin! 

Thursday, 7 May 2015

Testing the free app

A new way to blog, eh? I'm writing this using my iPhone. Hmmm....not sure if I like it more than tapping away at the old pink laptop (not a euphemism!) To Blogger app or not to Blogger app, that is the 2015 question. Let me sleep on it. Goodnight peeps!